Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday in the Second Week of Easter - 2012

Pentecost Sunday
(Georgetown University)

How real is God's love for me?  At times the events or problems in one's life might lead to misunderstanding how strongly God loves you and me.  Those circumstances that seem to place God afar from one's daily experiences and needs are there for a reason.  Perhaps when we begin to consider these distractions or painful moments and fail to understand their purpose, we might begin to develop a clearer and deeper understanding of God's love for ourselves.  We might begin to see in these dark moments, these times when there seems to be no light from the love of God, that if nothing else God will give us the grace to endure.  In the endurance there will come the insight, the "great awakening" that through and in God's love an answer to the difficulties becomes evident.  "Why didn't I see that before?" might become the new question replacing the old one, "Where is God's love for me?"  Perhaps we will also come to understand that God is always present for me and you.  It is our own inability to perceive what it is that God is asking of us in those difficulties.

Whatever the problem, God will always be a loving Father regardless of our sins or failures.  So often we cannot at the moment fathom what and how God is trying to teach us.  We must always remember the simple affirmation:  "For God nothing is impossible."  We might add "unless we block it."

As saints and spiritual writers have advised us, if we trust in God's love all the impossibilities will melt away like a winter snow and reveal the freshness of a new spring.  Then we will find our journey to Pentecost so much more meaningful and abundant.

What challenges would I ask God to remove from my life today?