Saturday, September 22, 2012

Twenty-fifth Sunday
Ordinary Time

In the gospel for Sunday's readings, we encounter Jesus working seriously with his closest associates, The Twelve.  He is quite matter-of-fact with the about issues the will encounter after his death and Resurrection.  He is seeking to have them come to grips with the reality of his own future:  he would soon be facing his own death.  He knew this would not be easy to understand or accept.  It would be so foreign to what a good Jew would expect a Messiah to be:  kingly, wealthy, powerful.  What Jesus is putting before them is just the opposite.

Imagine this, if you will.  The company where a person has worked for a goodly number of years suddenly is shut down.  What is she to do?  Many years spent coming each day to an office and faithfully completing all assigned duties.  Seeking recognition was never a part of her work pattern.  She did her work as best she could to make the office she worked in room smoothly and peacefully.  What is she to do now?  

A close friend of our unemployed office worker learns of a new company about to hire.  The friend informs one of the owners about her lady friend's predicament.  Long story short:  the lady is hired as an office manager.  Why?  Her friend described her as a person who shunned any of the trappings of power in her former job.  After several interviews and strong recommendations from her former employer, the new company's VP, realized this lady matched the expectations of the new company's leadership.  Exerting power was not this lady's style.  She worked to serve not to use her authority over others.  This is what Jesus was teaching the Apostles when he put a child in front of them and asked them to consider the simplicity of the child as the way of life for his closest followers after he had returned to his Father.

What Jesus was teaching The Twelve is what we are called to know and in corporate in our lives whether as parent, teacher, or boss.