Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Thanksgiving Story

St. Ignatius House
Lanham, MD

Dear Friends,

St. Luke's story is an effort to teach the Greek people about Jesus.  If you were in Luke's sandals today and wanted to teach someone who had never heard or known about Jesus, how would you portray him?

You would not overlook that he is gentle, he is kind.  He is a healing presence.

We know or should realize that we should not fear nor forget to come before Jesus in a humble manner.  We need not beg.  We know that a true humility is to accept, to receive what is given.

Once we have expressed that feeling, then we spring from our humility to go forth tooters who may not be exactly like us, others who may be different, perhaps from another place in life ... wherever that may be.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt